Creating a Green Kitchen Appropriate for You

Green is arguably the buzzword of the day, and not just in the world of design. We are bombarded by the media with examples of just how far one can go to be good to our environment. From the sources of our food, the way we travel, how we teach our children to live and the products we buy. It can be overwhelming at times, and if we get too caught up in the messages, it can seem as if we can never do enough. An essential thing to remember is that we make a difference with each individual choice, and for each of us there are different appropriate ways to make that difference. If you’re reading this blog, food and the preparation of it are important to you, and I’m willing to bet that’s a great way to start. It will be an easier area to get passionate about and you’ll feel more like you’ve made a difference than if your first Green steps are in an area you aren’t so involved in. Being a foodie, your kitchen is probably the one room you dream of recreating more than any other, and here are some ways to achieve your desired space while being friendly to Mother Nature.
Countertops are another prominent surface that has many choices with Green benefits. From recycled glass to recycled paper to stainless steel that is completely recyclable if the countertops become obsolete, the choices in this area alone could fill a sizable blog. No matter what your style or color, there’s a Green countertop available for you.

Cabinetry is my favorite area of Green design. What material choice has a bigger presence in your kitchen than the cabinetry? Rapidly renewable wood species are breeds of wood that grow much more rapidly than our usual Oak, Cherry or Maple, and thus we’re not depleting an old-growth forest when we specify them. Rapidly renewable choices include Lyptus (a member of the Eucalyptus family), Bamboo and Kirei (made from sorghum straw). If those aren’t to your liking, specify wood from an FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified source, which ensures that the wood has been harvested responsibly, without clear-cutting, labor infringement or wildlife habitat depletion. A frequently overlooked choice is metal cabinetry. St Charles is one company offering all steel cabinetry made from 70% recycled content and their products are 98% recyclable. Watch for a new display at the International Market Square of St Charles Cabinetry. Cabinetry isn’t just green because of its exterior material, either. Crystal Cabinetry offers a material for their cabinet boxwork (the behind the scenes portion) called GreenCore, which is made from a resin that isn’t formaldehyde based. This means the cabinetry won’t off-gas formaldehyde into your home, which we’re hearing more and more about as a cause of asthma and chemical sensitivities.
If you have any questions on anything I’ve mentioned, don’t hesitate to contact one of the award-winning designers at Partners 4, Design in Suite 109 at the International Market Square. If you happen to be in the area, stop in to see our Green display kitchen, with Lyptus GreenCore cabinetry, recycled quartz counters and a functional induction cooktop and steam oven.
Partners 4, Design, 612-927-4444,
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